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Thursday 29 September 2011

positive thinking

positive thinking
       Whatever we think and do can be either positive thinking or Negative. All that happens in our lives is an outcome of the energies that we are surrounded by.
These are:
    (a) Positive Energy or  positive thinking
    (b) Negative Energy
       All that pleases us and goes in our favor, and gives us happiness, is an outcome of the Positive Energy or positive thinking. While all that goes against us, brings unhappiness, uneasiness, disturbance, ill-health etc. is the consequence of Negative Energy. Both these energies and their consequences are correlated and an integral part of our lives.
 positive thinking
      Have you ever realized, who or what is it that decides what gives us happiness, admiration, success etc. Is it your luck, your past deeds, your karma or GOD? Well, none of these. It is we who decide our fate.....and all that it depends on, is what we think and how we react to the circumstances.
       We are living in a highly competitive world where a minor mistake can result into a major loss. Each one of us crave for happiness, love, admiration, success and acceptance. Instead, we often fall a prey to outbursts such as anger, fear, dislikes, unhappiness and uneasiness, that are mere manifestations of our negative thoughts. But the fact about negativity is that, the more you express it, the more you attract it and become its victim. Here's where the power of positive thinking plays an important role.
  positive thinking can prove to be a powerful weapon to achieve our goals. Whatever we do begins with a thought. Positive thought is an important way to instigate positive attitude towards a task, which in turn changes the result of what we do. What we think, is what we expect or what we fear of. So if we keep a positive thought, we can achieve the best.
       Most of the time we are surrounded by negativity. 90% of what we think is negative. Only 5% of our thoughts are in the positive direction. It therefore becomes important to identify these disturbing negative thoughts and bury them before they start taking root.
       Lets consider a common example. Take a glass of water that is less than full. An Optimist 
positive thinking
would see the glass as half filled, while a  Pessimist would see it as an half way empty glass. This is a general fact that describes the difference between a positive and a negative thought.
        Always learn to have a positive attitude or positive thinking towards Life, and feel Good about yourself. Never pity yourself for anything. Remember you are worthy of everything you desire and work for. Be happy for what you are and be content with what you have. Focusing on what you have, generates happiness while pondering over what you lack brings dissatisfaction. Most of our fears and insecurities arise from past regrets or future worries. We must learn to live in the present. Develop a healthy eating and sleeping schedule. Free your life and your homes of the unnecessary clutter for it is one of the biggest elements to attract negative energy.
        We suggest you to try the above suggestions, and if you have a better option to avoid your negative thoughts, try it, and give your own life a new birth !!
positive thinking!!!!

Thursday 29 September 2011 by Anonymous · 0

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